Friday, September 19, 2008


The main reason for starting this blog is not only to record the activities, developments and scribblings of Nikita ( my 4 your old preschooler) but also to record my accomplishments as a Mom in encouraging her to read, write and teach her good principles of life. I wanted to cultivate the importance of Reading in her, right from her preschool days. I am planning to start " reading together" program with her starting this weekend(9/19-9/26). I set a goal to make a list of books to read for the week, get it from the library and decide to spend a minimum of an hour everyday with her. I feel that I am too much motivated to do the household chores than sitting with her and give her some quality time for reading and writing .I will try to update the blog every week with what my goals are and what I have accomplished.

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